We guide and inspire girls to love themselves, appreciate their bodies, express their emotions, and uplift one another. These life-changing skills are easy to learn within Circle, because the girls are practicing together and having so much FUN!
Hi! I’m Heather, proud mama of a 4th grade girl! I have led Women’s Healing Circles in my home for the past 5 years and I’m SO EXCITED to now offer Girls Healing Circles to 4th – 6th grade girls in the Dallas area during the 2023-2024 school year!
In my health practice I help kids and adults release trapped emotions, manage anxieties, improve self image, and increase mind / body awareness. I am trained in Neuroacoustic Sound Therapy, Functional Medicine coaching, and various modalities to release trapped emotions from the body.
I was bullied by a group of girls from 5th-8th grade. I know what it’s like to feel alone and self-conscious at that age. I want so much more for my daughter … and for yours too.
Girls Healing Circles
2023 – 2024 School Year
We will have five (5) Girls’ Healing Circles in the fall semester and five (5) Girls’ Healing Circles in the spring semester. Circles will be 90 minutes long after school on specific Fridays. Neuroacoustic Sound Therapy will be incorporated by listening at home to specialized soundtracks designed to improve sleep, emotional resilience, and anxiety. The at-home sound therapy is included in the program and is optional but highly recommended!
Click the button below to register
What Will Happen in the Circles?
CIRCLE #1: Meet Your Inner Guru
- Feel the physical effects of your personal energy field. You’ll be amazed!!
- Experience first hand the effects of negative thoughts on your physical body.
- Learn that you have an inner wisdom that you can access at any time for guidance!
- Decorate your own personal Girls’ Healing Circles journal / diary.
CIRCLE #2: The Sisterhood
- Discuss what traits makes an Empowered girl different from an Unempowered girl.
- Learn how women used to gather together regularly during ancient times and how that sisterhood is coming back into existence around the world today.
- Identify the specific trait of Empowerment that you want to bring into your life right now, and gift this same trait to another girl in the circle.
CIRCLE #3: Connecting with Self & Others
- Learn how to create an energy ball (Qi gong) with your hands.
- Learn how to connect with and feel the energy of another person.
- Decorate your own personal hand mirror (to take home).
- Get in touch with your True Self through a powerful eye gazing exercise.
- Build positive self image through affirmation statements.
CIRCLE #4: Breathwork & Tapping to Release Emotions
- Learn about the different vibrations of each emotion, from fear & anger to love & joy.
- Learn how to use your breath to immediately put you into a more relaxed state.
- Do a deep belly breathing practice to help release trapped emotional energies.
- Learn how to do EFT / Tapping to release difficult emotions.
- Take home the book Gorilla Thumps and Bear Hugs to practice Tapping at home.
CIRCLE #5: Quick Techniques to Release Anger, Fear, & Sadness
- Learn the “Throw it Down!” technique to help release anger.
- Learn the Swamping technique to release fear, sadness, and other tough emotions.
- Discuss how anger, fear, and sadness affect us, and listen to others share about their own experiences with these tough emotions.
- Take home a special crystal to help with either Anger, Fear, or Sadness (your choice on which crystal).
CIRCLE #6: Understand & Embrace Your Body
- Understand the female anatomy in an age-appropriate and comfortable way.
- Demystify the menstrual cycle and puberty. Could it actually be something to look forward to?!?
- Understand the phases of the 28 day menstrual cycle – in a fun & informative way!
- Take home a copy of the book: The Care and Keeping of You: The Body Book for Younger Girls
CIRCLE #7: Master Your Menstrual Cycle
- Learn how to predict when your first period will begin (if you haven’t started yet).
- Learn how to predict when your next period will begin (if you have already started menstruating).
- Understand how our menstrual cycles are connected to the cycles of the moon.
- Make your own moon necklace – a fashionable way to remember what happens each day of your monthly cycle!
CIRCLE #8: Cake Walk to Show Your Mastery of All-Things-Female
- Participate in a FUN Cake Walk to show off your knowledge of your body and how the menstrual cycle works!
- Understand the role of hormones in your monthly cycle (at high level!).
- Understand how the seasons (winter, spring, summer, fall) correlate to your monthly cycle.
- Learn how to harness the cycles of the moon to help create and manifest your desires!
CIRCLE #9: Fostering a Positive Body Image
- Learn how to foster a positive body image in an age of social media and airbrushed models.
- Discuss the importance of loving and respecting yourself.
- Review the Emotion Release techniques from earlier Circles.
- Listen as moms share their own personal stories about when they got their periods and the advice they most wish they had received at that time.
CIRCLE #10: Special Menarche Ceremony
- Prepare “first period” kits for girls who haven’t started their cycles yet, so they will be prepared when it happens.
- Make flower crowns for girls who have already started their cycle to acknowledge and honor this important step in their lives.
- Celebrate where each girl is in her own stage of development.
How Does Neuroacoustic Sound Therapy Work?
Sound therapy can help improve sleep, reduce anxiety, improve focus & concentration, facilitate emotional healing, and boost creativity. That’s why it’s included as part of the Girls Healing Circles program!
Parents, you will download several NeuroT?nz soundtracks which will be included in the cost of the program. The Deep Sleep soundtrack is designed to improve sleep. The Emotional Freedom soundtrack is designed to facilitate the release of trapped emotions. The Mental Calm soundtrack is designed to reduce anxiety and increase feelings of calm.
These soundtracks incorporate a sound technology called binaural beats, which gently entrains the brainwaves to various states of consciousness for particular effects. Delta brainwaves are known to improve sleep, Theta brainwaves help facilitate emotional processing and boost creativity, and Alpha brainwaves have been shown to help reduce anxiety and improve focus.
Each soundtrack is 30 minutes and your daughter can listen any time of day or night. Most people enjoy listening as they are falling asleep at night because the soundtracks slow down your brainwaves and can help you fall asleep more easily.
I will host a meeting with parents to explain the soundtracks in more detail and to answer any questions.
Listen to short samples of Deep Sleep, Emotional Freedom, and Mental Calm.
Frequently Asked Questions
When and where will the Girls Healing Circles Occur?
There will be 5 circles during Fall 2023 and 5 circles during Spring 2024. All circles will be for 90 minutes after school on certain Fridays. The Fall 2023 circles will occur on 9/15, 9/29, 10/27, 11/10, and 12/8. The dates for the Spring 2024 circles are TBD.
Why are Girls Healing Circles so important at this age?
Many girls this age begin to feel self-conscious, and this can snowball into a lack of self-confidence that can follow them for years and decades.
Negative self-talk begins early and is detrimental to every aspect of life. Let’s avert this from a young age and teach positive thinking and self-image!
Many girls do not have tools for releasing emotions in a healthy way, and these trapped emotions can build up and cause physical & mental health problems as they grow up.
As girls’ bodies begin to change and move toward puberty, many girls absorb the message that their monthly cycle is something to dread and be ashamed of. By teaching them about the beauty and majesty of their bodies from a young age, and by removing the “stigma” about their upcoming cycle, they can grow up to be women who love and respect their bodies.
Girl “cliques” often start forming around this age and we can help avert unhealthy competition between girls by fostering a loving and supportive community early on.
Women’s circles are popping up all over the country (and the world!) as women are awakening to our need for a supportive sisterhood. Let’s instill this in our girls from a young age!
What are my qualifications to help guide these precious girls?
I work with children (and adults) in my holistic health practice and have helped guide children through various stresses around loss, anxiety, peer pressure, bullying, lack of focus/concentration, and more.
As a Neuroacoustic Sound Therapy Practitioner, I create custom soundtracks to help people with sleep issues, anxiety, emotional overwhelm, and more.
I am trained in various healing modalities to release trapped emotions from the body and to reprogram limiting subconscious beliefs that hold us back in all areas of life.
I’ve been a young girl before … and I currently have a 4th grade girl! Lots of first hand experience. ?
I founded the Dallas Women’s Circle 5 years ago and I LOVE helping women connect to their bodies, manage and embrace their emotions, and feel part a supportive community of empowered women.
Is this a school sponsored program?
No, the Girls Healing Circles program is not sponsored by the school. This is a program led by a mom who is also a health practitioner and is passionate about spreading self awareness, self love, and self acceptance to young girls.
What is the cost of the program?
The program costs $150 per semester and is paid at the beginning of each semester. Included in the cost are 3 Neuroacoustic Sound Therapy soundtracks, snacks, a special journal, a necklace pouch containing various crystals, friendship bracelets, a hand mirror, a moon necklace, arts & crafts supplies, The Care and Keeping of You: The Body Book for Younger Girls, and Gorilla Thumps and Bear Hugs: A Tapping Solution Children’s Story.
Is Financial Aid Available?
Yes, financial aid is available for families who are unable to pay the full program price. Please contact me to discuss. I will make sure this program is available to every girl who wants to participate, no matter what!!