One of my favorite go-to resources for treating chronic disease is Michael McCammon with New Zealand Herbals. He is a naturopath and herbalist with over 40 years of experience in the healing arts. He does a weekly podcast called Medicine Man and I find every episode...
The more I learn about chronic disease, the more I understand the need to heal not only at the physical level but also at the emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. I’m passionate about addressing the root cause of disease, and I’ve come to learn that...
Nopales (cactus paddles) are incredibly anti-inflammatory. And believe it or not, they taste good too!! My Chinese Medicine doctor recommends nopales to those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory conditions. She once told me that her...
We all know that meditation is good for us. Really, really good. Neuroscience research has come out with study after study showing the benefits meditation has on our sleep, our immune systems, depression and anxiety, brain health, and more. So…why doesn’t EVERYONE...
We all have a journey, don’t we? My journey has been health related. My good friend, Kaysha Patel, has a journey of her own that began with a high powered career in New York and ended with finding herself during a year long travel through Asia. Ten years ago,...