Functional Medicine Health Coaching
We will work together on your Functional Medicine “Lifestyle Prescription” to bring healing foods, deeper sleep, appropriate exercise, and stress relief to your life. These are the four pillars of health and when even one of them is off, your overall health is greatly impacted. We will discuss an appropriate food plan from the Institute of Functional Medicine (IFM) where I completed my training to become a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach (FMCHC). I will also provide you with grocery lists and recipes to ease your transition to a healthier diet.
Neuroacoustic Sound Therapy & Custom Bio-Tuning® Sessions
You will experience eight custom Bio-Tuning® sound sessions on the Neuroacoustic Sound Table, including custom sounds tracks with your personal frequency that takes the stress out of your nervous system. In addition to breaking the chronic stress loop that so many are in today, these Bio-Tuning® sessions will also entrain your brainwaves to various states of healing (physical, emotional, & mental) and will bring balance to your right/left brain hemispheres. I trained in California under Dr. Jeffrey Thompson, world renowned sound healer, to become a Neuroacoustic Sound Therapist. I am blessed to be actively mentored by him in my practice. Read more about customized Bio-Tuning® and its tremendous impact on mind, body, and spirit.
Emotion Code Sessions
You will release trapped emotions though several Emotion Code sessions during our time together. Healing our emotional body is just as important as healing our physical body as trapped emotions are often a root cause of chronic disease. Trapped emotions are literally balls of negative energy lodged in various places in your body and they can come from past traumatic experiences, emotions you absorbed from others (commonly from your mother while in the womb), and can also result from energies passed down in your DNA from your ancestors. Releasing these energies brings more balance and health to your energy body and thereby brings more balance and health to your physical body. I was trained by Dr. Bradley Nelson, creator of The Emotion Code, to become a Certified Emotion Code Practitioner. Read more about the power of releasing trapped emotions through the Emotion Code.
Body & Meridian Balancing
We will regularly balance your energy body and meridians during these six months together. As Einstein knew well, matter follows energy. What happens in our energy body is reflected in our physical body. When our energy meridians are flowing appropriately, tissues and organs are nourished with life force energy and the body’s self healing mechanisms are activated. I trained under Dr. Jeffrey Thompson at the Center for Neuroacoustic Research to become a Holistic Health Practitioner and I am also in the process of completing trainings in the Touch for Health® System. I will pull techniques from both of these systems in bringing health and balance to your energy body and meridians.
The Details
- 6 months (24 weeks)
- Initial health assessment & goal session
- 8 Custom Bio-Tuning® Sessions on the Sound Table
- 8 Custom Bio-Tuning® Soundtracks for at-home listening
- 8 15-min Check-in Calls (between sessions)
- Email and text support
- Food Plan from the Institute of Functional Medicine
- Recipes and Grocery Lists
Valued at over $6,000
$5,000 – paid in full up front
$5,500 – paid in two installments (50% at first appointment, 50% at week 12)
Note: Bio-Tuning® Sessions are 75-minute in-person sessions that will include Neuroacoustic Sound Therapy plus additional modalities as indicated by the body during each session. This could include Emotion Code to release trapped emotions, Meridian Balancing, Goal Setting, Functional Medicine Health Coaching, Ayurvedic assessment, Subconscious Reprogramming of Limiting Beliefs, and more.