The power of sound waves is significantly more powerful when traveling through a solid or liquid rather than simply through the air. When these vibrations enter the body through the use of a Neruoacoustic Sound Table, each of the trillions of cells in the body experiences those same healing frequencies at the same time. Since approximately 70% of the human body is composed of water, introducing these deep sound waves into the cells simultaneously introduces them into the vast number of water molecules in the human body. Water is a powerful conductor of these waves and helps bring these healing vibrations into the body at a deep cellular level.
Joshua Leeds, the author of the book The Power of Sound and an expert in studying the effects of sound on the human nervous system, defines sound work as “creating a frequency and vibration for someone that’s conducive for him or her to heal.” (source)
Every “thing” has its own vibration – a fundamental understanding from Quantum Physics. So just as a chair, a flower, and a crystal wine glass each has its own unique vibration, so too does your liver, your blood, your bones, and everything else within your body. Dr. Jeffrey Thompson, founder of the Center for Neuroacoustic Research, explains that different frequencies target the various densities in the body. “As the frequencies slow down, from 500 to 400 hertz, you feel it more in your muscles, then your joints, then in your bones. We can give a vibrational massage, down all the way to your cells. You’re finding frequencies to elevate the body’s cells to a super-healing state, rebuilding more tissue,” Thompson says. (source)
In her article “Why Sound Heals”, Christina Sarich states that “if a single instrument (organ, or organ system) is playing its own tune, and not in harmony with the rest of the body, disease is more likely to happen. The harmonics of sound work to create order out of chaos. Disease, you might say, is a form of chaos in the body.”
Seeing is Believing!
To help those who are more visually oriented, the photos below show the visual representation of sound waves. Each sound wave (frequency) has its own shape that becomes visual with the use of sand, a black metal plate, and a frequency generator. With each frequency, the sound morphs into a different intricate and perfectly geometric pattern of sand caused by the unique sound waves of that frequency. How beautiful to be able to see the visual representation of sound! The higher the frequency, the more complex the pattern.
What’s even more powerful is to realize that it was the power of sound alone that was able to have this effect on physical matter (the sand). Imagine the powerful effect that healing frequencies can have on your body, tissues, organs, and cells!
Additional Research & Articles on the Science of Sound and Frequencies
If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.
If a single instrument (organ, or organ system) is playing its own tune, and not in harmony with the rest of the body, disease is more likely to happen. The harmonics of sound work to create order out of chaos. Disease, you might say, is a form of chaos in the body.
You can look at disease as a form of disharmony. And there’s no organ system in the body that’s not affected by sound and music and vibration.
It has been found that musical vibrations make their impact upon the entire body, being picked up by the nerves, spinal column, and even by the bones. This is why people who are deaf can react to music. It has also been demonstrated that music affects the pulse, respiration, and blood pressure; but it’s deepest effects, and those from which most of its curative properties are derived, are mental and emotional.
Deeply listening to music opens up new avenues of research I’d never even dreamed of. I feel from now on music should be an essential part of every analysis.