TOPIC: Mediumship with Tamara Brock
Friday, January 19, 2024
7:00 PM Central Time
We are in for a treat at our next Women’s Healing Circle! Psychic Medium Tamara Brock will talk about mediumship and will teach some important parts of her “The Psychic in You” curriculum.
Tamara says we are all spiritual beings with natural psychic abilities. Everyone has the ability to develop their natural psychic abilities and use those skills to experience every day life in a more peaceful, joyful, and conscientious manner. It is Tamara’s mission and purpose to teach this to people.
After the teaching, Tamara will do a few quick readings for anyone who may be coming through to communicate with those present in the circle. If you don’t want a reading, you’ll have the opportunity to indicate that before she begins opening herself for this.

All women with an open heart are welcome to attend. We request a $10 love donation (cash please) that will be donated to Genesis Women’s Shelter.
RSVP required. Please email Heather to RSVP and to receive location information (in north Dallas).
Overview of the Dallas Women’s Circle
Women need women. Period. Across all times and civilizations, one constant is the presence of a tight women’s community to provide support, growth, compassion, and healing. This structure of community has sadly fallen away for the Modern Woman – at a time when she, and the world, need it the most.
We live in a time when the Modern Woman has forgotten her power. She has dressed in men’s suits in an attempt to succeed in a male dominated, war-filled, anger ridden society. What she has forgotten is that her fierce compassion, shrewd intuition, unbridled passion, feminine beauty, and sense of community are all gifts of being a Woman and must be embraced in order to experience her true potential. And when enough women begin to embrace their feminine gifts, it will bring a foundation of love and compassion back to humanity.
Ladies – have you stepped into your power yet? Join us at the monthly Dallas Women’s Circle where we support our sisters in seeing and embracing their true potential. We provide a sacred space to teach and share modern methods and ancient tools that bring healing in mind, body, and spirit. And we do this in a trusting, safe community of women who encourage you to release the negative beliefs and energies that hold you back and guide you to find and embrace your True Self.
Some of the practices we share in these circles
- Mindfulness
- Meditation
- Breathing techniques
- Yoga (and yoga nidra)
- Chakra balancing
- Sound healing (gongs, tuning forks, etc.)
- Energy practices
- High vibration nutrition
- Teachings on alternative healing modalities
- Releasing trapped negative emotions
- Tribal dance
- Expanding consciousness
- Cleansing the home of negative energies
- Cleansing & expanding your aura (personal energy field)

Scroll down to see pictures and descriptions of our past in-person women’s circles! We met in person for one year prior to the 2020 pandemic. We then moved our circles online. After two years of meeting on zoom, the Dallas Women’s Circle began meeting in person again in February 2022!
Holiday White Elephant Party
Friday, December 1, 2023
What a festive holiday gathering! We enjoyed a delicious Ayurvedic dinner prepared by Lavanga Schlette and celebrated the season with a white elephant gift exchange….complete with lots of gift stealing!

Chinese Medicine & Women’s Health
Friday, November 10, 2023
Thank you to Jessie Lin for sharing so much wisdom about how to keep the body healthy through Chinese Medicine! Jessie explained SO MUCH and broke it down in a way that is both understandable and actionable.

Do you know how Chinese Medicine differs from Western medicine? One way is through the initial consultation with a doctor. Chinese Medicine doctors will ask about your sleep, bowel movements, any pains in the body, and your lifestyle. They will read your pulse which gives lots of information about the current function of each of the organs.
They will also look at your tongue. Different areas of the tongue reflect the condition of different organs. They will notice your complexion, the way you walk, etc. It is a very customized approach.

Chinese Medicine also recognizes that certain emotions are linked with certain organs, and they have a reciprocal relationship. Issues with a particular emotion can cause a problem in the function of the associated organ. Likewise, an issue with a particular organ can lead to imbalances in the emotion tied to that organ.
- The liver is linked to anger.
- The spleen & stomach are linked to worry & over-thinking.
- The kidneys are linked to fear.
How do you keep disease away? Keep your mind calm and peaceful. Extreme emotions can consume a person’s chi (vital energy). It’s important to stay centered and manage your emotions.
Jessie shared soooo much information with us. Here are a few of the tips that we can start to implement right away:
- Don’t go to bed with wet hair.
- Don’t drink ice-cold drinks.
- Go to bed early (lack of sleep drains our vital energy)
- Don’t wash your hair during the first 3 days of your period. If you do, make sure to blow dry it very well.
- Don’t over-work or over-exercise during your period.

Connecting to Your Inner Wisdom
Friday, September 22, 2023

We went deep into ourselves in this circle! Heather talked about the inner wisdom that quietly exists within each of us and is just waiting to be asked for its guidance.
This is the same inner wisdom that created you in your mother’s womb. This inner wisdom created your heart, your liver, and your entire skeletal system. This inner wisdom is what keeps your heart beating and your lungs breathing without you having to consciously think about it.
When we want to heal something in our life, there’s no greater resource than tapping into this inner wisdom for guidance. Remember, your inner wisdom knows everything.
The question becomes ….how do you communicate with this level of yourself? One way is to learn your body’s YES and NO responses.

We listened to this Whole Body Yes Meditation to help us connect to our body’s unique YES and NO sensations. Many women had incredible insights!
- One woman felt itchy when the guided meditation led her to reflect on her body’s NO response. How interesting that she has experienced hive reactions for years!
- Another woman felt light and expansive during her YES sensation. For her NO sensation, her legs felt like they had very heavy weights on them.
- Another woman felt her NO through a contraction deep within her solar plexus.
About 70% of the group clearly felt the YES and NO sensations within their bodies. For the other 30%, those sensations are occurring but they are not yet attuned to them. Ladies, if you will continue to listen to the meditation and consciously pay attention to your body, you will start to develop that body-level awareness.
And when you have this body-level awareness, you can ask yourself a question … any question … and then feel into your body for your truth. Is it a YES or a NO? Remember, the body doesn’t lie.
When you ask a question, don’t ask from a place of urgency or fear. Ground yourself first. Place your hand on your heart, close your eyes, and take some slow, deep breaths. Then ask your question, and notice what you feel.
Releasing Trapped Emotions Through EFT / Tapping
Friday, April 21, 2023

We moved some big emotional energies together at this women’s healing circle! Thank you to everyone who came, trusted, shared, and tapped along with us in the EFT / Tapping circle.
We started with our traditional hot ginger tea, and then we moved into small groups where we shared which emotion(s) we intended to release that evening. We trusted one another and stood as witness to what each of our sisters wanted to release. Beautiful connections were made.

I gave a short talk about the power of our emotions and why it’s so important to release the ones that have become trapped within our body and within our nervous system.
Did you know that our body needs only about 90 seconds to process an emotion? Yes, even the big emotions like anger, fear, and grief!
The problem comes when our mind gets involved and either judges or resists the emotion. This blocks the body’s wisdom, and the emotional energy then becomes trapped.
The emotion that could have taken 90 seconds to move through the body then continues to trigger us for years and even decades until we finally see it, accept it, place our judgements aside, and allow the body to move those energies through.
I led the group through an Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) tapping circle to assist us in processing trapped emotions. Some set the intention to release fear, others wanted to release anxiety, and some decided they were ready to release grief.
Then we tapped, which involved saying certain phrases while gently tapping various energy meridian points on the face and body.
And the energies moved. Some people shed tears. Others felt tingles. Others felt they heard from their “inner voice”. At the end, we all felt lighter. More grounded. More empowered. And it all happened within this safe container of sisterhood.
Pelvic Floor Panel Discussion
Friday, February 10, 2023

What an educational, fun, and intimate gathering! Stacy Sutton and Janae Stephens were our expert Pelvic Floor Physical Therapists and they were sooooo informative, funny, professional, and genuine as they spoke about all the stuff we need to know about down there.
And Melanie was so open, genuine, and hilarious in sharing about her personal experience with this type of therapy! Thanks Mel for the show-and-tell vaginal weights!!

- A lot of doctors don’t know about pelvic floor PT. Sometimes we need to be our own advocate and research this type of treatment on our own.
- Many people (including doctors!) assume that “leaking” is an issue of being “weak down there”. Often times the issue isn’t weakness but just the opposite…the pelvic floor can get locked up due to constantly holding stress in that area, thereby restricting those muscles. It’s like trying to do a bicep curl when your arm is already tightened into a curl position 24/7. You won’t have much strength in that muscle. The solution in this case is to do therapy to relax the pelvic floor muscles. Sometimes that can solve the leaking problem. And if not, you can then work on strengthening those muscles once the tension is finally released.
- Pelvic Floor PT is strongly advocated in other big cities up north, but the southern states have been slow to adopt it.
- In other parts of the country and the world where there is greater awareness of Pelvic Floor PT, it’s standard practice to have this type of therapy before and after having a baby.
- Pelvic floor physical therapists often see IBS and GI (gut) issues. Someone with chronic gastrointestinal issues is often in a chronic state of fight or flight, which can weaken digestion at the same time that it increases tension in the pelvic floor. Stress is a big factor in this, and food is a huge factor also. The biggest drug we all take is food! It can be a poison or a medicine.
- Trauma can manifest in the body. Sometimes patients come in with past sexual trauma and it’s not uncommon for them to work with a mental health professional along with a pelvic floor therapist.
- Here are the standard steps typically covered during an initial pelvic floor PT appointment:
- Discuss the current state of your pee, poo, and sexual function
- Discuss diet, including how much water and non-water you’re drinking
- Intercourse discussion & education
- Discuss breathing techniques to support relaxation
- Assess abdominal and hip muscles.
- Do an internal exam (vaginal and/or rectal). This isn’t required but gives more information about what is happening.
- Many patients see improvement after 3-5 sessions, especially in the case of leaking or support issues. Severe chronic pain can take a few months of treatment to see improvement.
- Biofeedback can be used to help determine which muscles you are activating within the pelvic floor.
- Priority is typically to address any pain and tightness first. After that, vaginal weights can be used to build strength and tone if necessary.
- A vaginal pessary is a device which is inserted into the vagina to hold a prolapsed womb and/or vaginal walls into place. When a pessary is in place, the pelvic floor muscles work better & stronger.
- Can prolapse be corrected without surgery? It depends on how severe it is. If the bladder is coming out on the therapy table (yes, this can happen!), then it’s best to either get fitted for a pessary or have surgery. If it’s not severe, PT can help maintain function and prevent symptoms.
- And finally, breathing is HUGE! Breath work is an important way to relax the body and the pelvic floor. Stacy led us through a 5 minute body scan that she recommends to her clients to do each day, consciously relaxing the body from the head to the feet. It was lovely!
- Janae recommends an extended exhale breathing pattern. She says to inhale for 3-4 seconds, hold for one second, then exhale for 5-6 seconds. You can place one hand on your belly and the other on your chest and feel them both raise at the same time as you inhale. Jane recommends taking 3-4 breaths like this every hour. It builds awareness and brings you into the present moment.
Moving Emotions Through FEMME!
Friday, January 14, 2023

We gathered. We talked. We moved. We laughed. We cried.
Thank you to Lauren Fagin for leading us through a powerful Femme! workshop to release trapped emotions using movement and meditation.
Lauren played a song to trigger JOY, and we moved.
Then she played a song to trigger GRIEF, and we moved.
Then she played a song to trigger ANGER, and we moved.
Then she played a song to trigger SELF CONFIDENCE, and we moved.
Then she played a song to trigger FLIRT, and we moved.
Then she led us through a mediation to connect with our inner child, and we were moved.

One woman said she almost didn’t come because it was an emotionally hard week, but she was soooo glad she did because moving out that stuck energy was exactly what she needed.
And isn’t it times like those when we need our sisters the most?
Holiday White Elephant Party
Friday, December 10, 2022

What a festive holiday gathering! We enjoyed a catered Ayurvedic vegetarian dinner prepared by Lavanga Schlette and a lesson in Ayurvedic health by Kirsten Joy Burch.
Both Lavanga and Kirsten manage and teach/work out of the Atma Bhakti Center. The center also has a great space available for rent in case you ever need a high vibe, intimate setting for a group.

Lavanga and Kirsten are well known healers within the Dallas spiritual community. You can learn more about Lavanga’s bodywork, Bhakti yoga/kirtan, astrology/tarot, kitchari and sacred art at Lavanga Latika. Learn more about Kirsten’s private yoga, trainings and Ayurvedic wellness counseling at PraniLife.
The authentic Ayurvedic meal included kitchari (bean/rice/veggie stew cooked in Ayurvedic spices) with different condiments as well as pappadams (round crunchy rolls). For dessert we had delicious gluten free pumpkin muffins and gingerbread.
And no holiday party is complete without a White Elephant Gift Exchange with LOTS of steals! The essential oils diffuser and the salt lamp were the hot items of the night. And the can of Spam brought lots of laughter, which is equally as important!
And thank you to Debbie for surprising us yet again with yummy dairy free ice-cream from Eclipse! Nothing on this planet beats chocolate peanut butter ice-cream! N.O.T.H.I.N.G.

Cacao Ceremony with Lula Castro
Friday, October 21, 2022
What a beautiful cacao ceremony we had! Thank you to Lula for leading us through such a sacred and intimate ceremony and discussion. The cacao brew she made was beyond delicious, and the heart opening effect was beautiful as we all sat around and shared from the heart, listened to one another, and simply enjoyed being in sisterhood.

A cacao ceremony is a type of shamanic healing that has been used by indigenous cultures for thousands of years. Cacao is known to be a heart-opener that can help us connect to our emotional center and release negative emotions that keep us feeling stuck.

Lula Castro is an experienced natural healer from Mexico. She spent years living alongside several indigenous communities to learn their ancient practices. She spent time with the Mabuches in Argentina, the Mayans in Mexico, the Taino in Puerto Rico, and the Kumiaas in northern Mexico.
Lula grew up in Mexico and completed her schooling there as well. She is a registered dietician as well as a naturopath. Lula is also a Reiki master and I have personally experienced her Reiki healings. She performs space harmonization / cleanses and is also Bach flower certified.
Releasing Emotions Through Tapping
Friday, September 23, 2022
We moved some big emotional energies together at this women’s healing circle! Thank you to everyone who came, trusted, shared, and tapped along with us in the EFT / Tapping circle.

We started with hot ginger tea and small talk. Then we moved into small groups where we shared which emotion(s) we intended to release that evening. We trusted one another and stood as witness to what each of our sisters wanted to release. Beautiful connections were made.

Heather gave a short talk about the power of our emotions and why it’s so important to release the ones that have become trapped within our body and within our nervous system.
Did you know that our body needs only about 90 seconds to process an emotion? Yes, even the big emotions like anger, fear, and grief!
The problem comes when our mind gets involved and either judges or resists the emotion. This blocks the body’s wisdom, and the emotional energy then becomes trapped.
The emotion that could have taken 90 seconds to move through the body then continues to trigger us for years and even decades until we finally see it, accept it, place our judgements aside, and allow the body to move those energies through.
Heather led the group through a Tapping session to assist us in processing trapped emotions. Some set the intention to release fear, others wanted to release feelings of overwhelm, and some decided they were done with anger and hostility.
Then we tapped, which involved saying certain phrases while gently tapping various energy meridian points on the face and body.
And the energies moved. Some people felt tingles. Others felt heat. Others yawned mulitple times. It was a real, tangible experience. And it all happened within this safe container of sisterhood. It was beautiful.
Craniosacral Therapy & NAET Allergy Elimination
Friday, June 24, 2022
What a fun evening we had! Lydia Rangel, a gifted healer and Massage / Craniosacral Therapist, taught us about two powerful healing modalities: Craniosacral Therapy and NAET Allergy Elimination.

Craniosacral therapy involves a light, hands-on touch and can help with migraines, neck & back pain, autism, arthritis, chronic fatigue, concussions, traumatic brain injuries, neuralgia, scoliosis, & much more.

And NAET Allergy Elimination Technique is a wonderfully non-invasive way to eliminate allergies to milk products, nuts, mold, environmental allergies, cosmetics, chemicals, and much more.
Lydia is an incredibly intuitive healer and she has a huge heart. You can find her at Lydia’s Intuitive Therapy.
We also enjoyed a special ice cream treat! Debbie Nganga is a regular to our circles and she recently started a new job at Eclipse – a plant-based ice-cream company that makes the creeeeeamiest ice-cream without the use of conventional dairy!

We got to choose from 3 of their top flavors. Thank you Debbie for an awesome treat!!

An Introduction to Family Constellations
Friday, May 13, 2022
We had a large group and a fascinating topic for our May gathering!
We of course started with our traditional ginger, lemon, & honey tea and then moved into the living room where practitioner Stephanie Richmond talked about Family Constellations.

Family Constellations is a healing modality that reveals the subconscious emotions and beliefs that are trapped within us and are keeping us in unwanted patterns around health, relationships, money, and more.
It helps resolve childhood trauma as well as intergenerational trauma.
Stephanie explained that the way you view your mother is the way that life will treat you. The “mother wound” has a dramatic impact on the abundance and joy you experience in life. Family Constellations brings this to light so the wound can be healed and subconscious patterns can be reprogrammed.
The “father wound” is just as significant and affects subconscious programs around self worth and worthiness.
“When you put a group of people together in a room and you give one person the role to be your mother and another to be your father, and your sister, and yourself and so forth, and you stand back and watch them take on the dynamic of these roles, you’re able to see from the outside a perspective of the dynamic you couldn’t see from the inside, and you can see what you’re holding in your subconscious mind around a situation.”
~ practitioner Stephanie Richmond

You could hear a pin drop in the room as Stephanie was talking. This topic affects everyone in some way, often at a very deep level, and many great questions were asked and discussed.
Stephanie held an all-day Family Constellation workshop the following day and several of the women in our healing circle attended.
Stephanie comes to Dallas every few months to lead these workshops. You can learn more about Stephanie’s work at www.healperception.com.
You’re More Than Your Physical Body!
Friday, April 1, 2022
Our April gathering was a fun evening of energy demonstrations, crystal bowls, and sisterhood! We of course started with our traditional ginger, lemon, & honey tea and then moved into the living room where the magic happens. 🙂

Allison opened the circle by playing two beautiful crystal singing bowls. She incorporated affirmation statements that became anchored in through the powerful vibrations.
Then Heather talked about the energy body and how it is really the driver of our physical health. She explained how we can use the electromagnetic properties of our hands to affect our energy channels and release energy blocks.
Heather then did some fun energy demonstrations to show how simple, ancient techniques such as holding or tapping acupressure points can strengthen our muscles and dramatically impact the health of our physical body.

One of the favorites was the spinal flush which stimulates key points up and down the spine and flushes toxins from the lymphatic system.
It’s fun to do this with a partner, so that’s what we did! 🙂
A big thank you to Allison for once again bringing her 528 Hz tuning fork and offering energy clearings for anyone who needed it!
Biofield tuning forks use sound waves to resolve distortions in our electromagnetic field.
These pure vibrations bring harmony to the chaotic energies that get created in and around us as we live in this crazy modern day world!

And finally, Heather shared this video with the women who attended the circle. This is a Youtube video of Heather doing the 5 minute daily energy routine. You can help keep your energies flowing in a healthy pattern by doing this short daily energy routine!
Releasing Emotions Through Tapping
Friday, February 25, 2022
After two years of zoom gatherings during the pandemic, we finally resumed our in-person women’s circles! Our February gathering was a beautiful evening of learning, releasing, supporting, and sisterhood. We of course started with our traditional ginger, lemon, & honey tea and then moved into the living room where the magic happens. 🙂

Heather talked about the power of our emotions and how they can get trapped in the body. When this happens, they continue to subconsciously trigger us and keep us living in the past, reacting to future situations through past programming.
We then went around the circle and each woman briefly shared what she intended to release that evening.
Anger. Fear. Grief. Anxiety. We heard it all.
Heather then led us through a group EFT / Tapping session to release these energies. It was powerful.

Energies moved. Tears flowed. Laughter came. We felt lighter.
We felt different.
We were different.
Each of us moved closer to Who We Truly Are … by releasing the energies keeping us stuck in Who We Don’t Want To Be Anymore.
A big thank you to Allison for bringing her 528 Hz tuning fork and offering energy clearings for anyone who needed it!
Biofield tuning forks use sound waves to resolve distortions in our electromagnetic field.
These pure vibrations bring harmony to the chaotic energies that get created in and around us as we live in this crazy modern day world!

Manifesting with the Lunar Cycles
Friday, March 6, 2020
I’m so thankful that we were all able to gather one last time before beginning the historical 2020 lockdown! We had a magical evening of connection, learning, and deep relaxation.

Jaime Goldstein, our very own circle co-leader and Intuitive Astrologer, talked about how to work with the lunation cycle to manifest our desires.
We learned about the eight phases of the moon and the magic contained within each of these phases that we can consciously work with from seed of intention to manifestation to integration. We learned which days of the lunar “moonth” to take action and which days to turn inward and rest.
Jaime’s teaching was powerful and you could hear a pin drop as she was explaining how we as humans, and specifically as women, are so intricately connected to the moon. Jaime is such a gift to this circle and I am so thankful to her for sharing these transformative teachings and experiences.

The memory of this knowledge is in our DNA from when we used to live in harmony with nature and the circadian rhythms. It is my hope and belief that Jaime’s teaching was a spark that will begin to surface that inherent memory within each of us. We ended the evening with Jaime playing her magical gongs as we became extremely still and relaxed, ready to absorb the powerful sound waves into our bodies for healing on all levels.

Group Dream Journey with Valley Reed
Friday, February 7, 2020

After fifteen minutes of active dreaming while the drum was keeping our brainwaves in a theta state (the same state used in hypnosis by the way), we all came back from this state of altered consciousness and journaled about our insights and visions.
Valley Reed is a Soul Coach, Active Dream Teacher, Community Dreaming Cultivator & Social Good Consultant. Chrysalis Healing Arts is her holistic healing business and she has several upcoming workshops & retreats if you want to connect with her. In the past 2 decades, her work has also focused on creating social change through peace and social justice, transforming trauma, and growing a conscious dreaming community.

Holiday Party – Dinner, Camaraderie, & Healing
Friday, December 6, 2019

Poor Barb had her prize stolen twice and ended up with a plastic lemon juicer – but she needed one so it was all good! 🙂
Chef Lavanga (Laura) Schlette prepared an Ayurvedic vegetarian soup, sweet potato grain-free biscuits, and an amazing gingerbread dessert. The meal incorporated Ayurvedic digestive spices & was made with love.

Harness the Power of Food to Live More in Human Spirit
Friday, November 8, 2019

Janelle then used her lovely trash bag props to show us how the liver so kindly bundles up the toxins collected and “puts them on the curb” before it rests from 2AM – 5AM. And here’s the kicker….when you wake up in the morning, you need to complete the last step….helping those toxins leave the body!
Learn the Power of Sound Healing & Experience an Immersive Gong Sound Bath
Friday, October 18, 2019

Acupressure points to ease stress, reduce pain, & improve health
Friday, September 20, 2019

Then Heather, founder of myHealthtorch, shared information on how our energy meridians affect the manifestation of our health (or lack thereof). We talked about energy medicine, quantum physics, and Einstein. 🙂 Then we did energy demonstrations on one another and saw (and felt!) first hand how simple, ancient techniques such as holding or tapping acupressure points can strengthen our muscles and dramatically impact the health of our physical body. Seeing is believing!
Moon Circle & Tobacco Prayer Circle with Mexican healer Lula Castro
Friday, August 23, 2019

Lula grew up in Mexico and completed her schooling there as well. She is a registered dietician as well as a naturopath. Lula is also a Reiki master and I have personally experienced her Reiki healings. She performs space harmonization / cleanses and is also Bach flower certified.
How to Manifest Your Desires
Friday, July 12, 2019

Tantra – Yoga & Breath Work
Friday, June 14, 2019

Women’s Health & The Pelvic Floor
Friday, May 17, 2019
Topics included urinary incontinence, pelvic pain, pain during intercourse, sexual dysfunction, prolapse, and more. We learned that it’s NOT normal to pee when you laugh or sneeze and it’s NOT just part of “having babies” or “growing older”. Don’t accept less than full health and vitality!

Dr. Aimee (Wiltz) Carr is a urologist with Urologist Clinics of North Texas. She did her fellowship on female urology and this topic is close to her heart. Dr. Kristi Rosipal is a physical therapist with the Rosipal Institute for Pelvic Therapy Solutions. She gave incredible insights and shared simple stretches and exercises to keep our pelvic floor happy. Shannon Weldon, RMA is an expert in biofeedback. She shared how this amazing, non-invasive technology is bringing healing to conditions that used to require surgery.
Gong Sound Bath Meditation
Friday, April 19, 2019

Follow Dallas Women’s Circle on Facebook for more information and inspiration!