My Recovery Timeline Through Eczema and TSW
MY RECOVERY TIMELINE THROUGH ECZEMA AND TSW Thank you for reading about my journey through eczema and Topical Steroid Withdrawal (TSW). I’d like to give a special shout out to all the TSW warriors out there who are going through this simply awful experience and I...

Using Steroid Creams on My Hands Affected the Health of My Eyes
The optician at my eye doctor’s office was floored... The remarkable improvement in my vision over the course of the past 12 months led him to ask me…..what in the world have you been doing this past year to result in such drastically improved vision? “What in the...

Healing Foods During Topical Steroid Withdrawal
Friends, By now many of you are familiar with my personal journey through eczema and Topical Steroid Withdrawal (TSW). For those of you unfamiliar with TSW, it’s the process one goes through in order to break the addiction that their body has developed toward topical...

Is This Really Eczema? Or am I Addicted To Topical Steroid Creams?
Hello my fellow itchy eczema sufferers!! Or maybe you’re a parent of a child with eczema and you’re looking for answers. You’re in the right place and I welcome you!! I suffered with eczema for over 25 years and applied topical steroid creams regularly during those...

Common Symptoms of Topical Steroid Addiction
For those of us who have experienced the unrelenting itch of eczema, it is sometimes difficult to distinguish whether the rash is from an allergen (food, chemicals, pollen, etc) or whether the rash is a sign that your skin is addicted to the steroid creams you have...