Stuffed Squash
Acorn squash is synonymous with winter and cozy in my book! The mildly sweet flavor of this type of squash is a welcome taste in the colder months. You can even eat the skin, which turns a golden brown when roasted. Acorn squash has some incredible health benefits....

FLU, STREP, & the Crud – Getting Through it Better & Faster
Well, darn it anyway. Despite your best precautions, you caught the flu or cold or strep throat from you petri-dish child who brought it home from his/her petri-dish classroom. Now what? Read on for some tips to help you and your little one get through the cold or...

COLD & FLU SEASON – Natural Immune Boosters
Boosting the immune system in order to help avoid the flu just makes good sense. We are constantly exposed to various viruses and bacteria in our environment, and often the deciding factor in who gets the flu (or cold, etc.) and who doesn’t comes down to the strength...

Chaga – A Medicinal Mushroom
Looking for a natural immune booster? Allow me to introduce you to CHAGA!! Chaga is a powerful medicinal mushroom with incredible levels of antioxidants and healing properties. This chaga extract powder makes it super easy to add a powerful immune boost to your...

Pineapple Cactus Smoothie
Nopales (cactus paddles) are incredibly anti-inflammatory. And believe it or not, they taste good too!! My Chinese Medicine doctor recommends nopales to those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory conditions. She once told me that her...

Healing Foods During Topical Steroid Withdrawal
Friends, By now many of you are familiar with my personal journey through eczema and Topical Steroid Withdrawal (TSW). For those of you unfamiliar with TSW, it’s the process one goes through in order to break the addiction that their body has developed toward topical...

HELP! I Want to Overhaul My Diet. Where Do I Start??
OMG I’m Hungry and Don’t Know What I’m Allowed to Eat! I ripped open the baby food squeeze pack full of pureed carrots from my purse and attempted to be subtle while devouring it in under 2.2 seconds. My blood sugar had plummeted while I was standing in the...