Neuroacoustic Sound Therapy

In Neuroacoustic Sound Therapy, we apply vibrational sound waves directly to the body through a patented Neuroacoustic Sound Table. While laying on this cushioned table, every cell of the body vibrates to carefully selected sound vibrations designed to have specific effects on the body and the nervous system. This is a powerful way to relieve stress and stress-related conditions which often have their root cause buried deep within the nervous system.
The Neuroacoustic Sound Table is a custom, patented massage table with speakers attached underneath. When you lay on it (fully clothed, face up) you experience a full body massage via sound waves. You feel the healing vibrations in every cell of your body, thus increasing overall circulation and resonating your bones, muscles, tissues, and blood with healing frequencies. The experience is deeply relaxing and is a powerful way to activate your body’s self-healing mechanisms.
Bio-Tuning® takes this one step further by creating a fully individualized experience. Bio-Tuning® is the custom frequency-based therapy that finds the unique fundamental frequency that brings a person’s nervous system into homeostasis (and out of the chronic stress loop). With the use of real-time monitoring of heart rate variability, the specific frequency (note) is identified that brings a person out of the “fight or flight” stress response and into a parasympathetic state where the body’s self-healing mechanisms are activated.
That fundamental frequency is then incorporated into every sound table experience and custom soundtrack for that person, making this a highly customized approach designed to interrupt the chronic stress loop and bring balance back to the nervous system.
My personal fundamental frequency is the D note minus 46 cents. When I hear this note, my nervous system enters a balanced state and my body’s energies flood back into my immune system, my digestive system, my higher brain centers, etc. where they belong (and out of the chronic stress loop).

The custom Bio-Tuning® process incorporates three powerful techniques to bring equilibrium to an individual’s nervous system and activate the body’s innate self-healing abilities:

Physical resonance using the person’s Fundamental Frequency to bring their nervous system into homeostasis (out of the fight/flight loop). Since the brain’s function is to coordinate and direct the function of all the other systems, we should see a global balancing of all the body’s systems at the moment the brain is exposed to its own single fundamental sound frequency. (source)
Brainwave Entrainment to various states of consciousness (Delta, Theta, Alpha, etc.) to affect healing at the physical, emotional, and mental levels. Synchronization of the right & left brain hemispheres also occurs through the use of binaural beats. To learn about the powerful effects of brain hemisphere synchronization, see the FAQ section.
Primordial Sounds to awaken deep levels of recognition in the subconscious mind. As Dr. Jeffrey Thompson describes, these are nature sounds (ocean waves, birds, dolphins, space sounds, etc) that are “primordially recognizable to the subconscious mind regardless of race, sex, or language.” (Read more about Primordial Sounds in the FAQ section)
What You Can Expect During a Bio-Tuning® Session
A custom Bio-Tuning® session involves laying on a patented sound table that vibrates with the healing frequencies being played for a full-body experience that resonates all the way down to the cellular level. The individually customized sound track being played through headphones and through the vibration of the table itself incorporates the person’s fundamental frequency while entraining their brainwaves to various states of consciousness and incorporating Primordial Sounds to create universal recognition at the subconscious level.
The goal is to bring the person’s nervous system into homeostasis, meaning the energies that normally go toward executing a chronic stress response (elevated heart rate, increased blood sugar, increased adrenaline/cortisol, etc) get redirected toward working on the body’s list of priorities for repair and regeneration in a parasympathetic healing state. During this window of opportunity for natural healing work, the brain is simultaneously being gently entrained to various states of consciousness to affect healing at the physical, mental, and emotional levels.
One of the best parts of this intense neuroacoustic sound work is that the sessions on the sound table are deeply relaxing and leave you with a feeling of just melting into the table as you are enveloped in full body vibrational sensations.
Listening to your custom Bio-Tuning® soundtrack at home

Do I need to be in Dallas, Texas (USA) for the Bio-Tuning® sessions?
You will need to be in-person for the first Bio-Tuning® session so that we can capture your fundamental frequency. After that, you can progress through your customized protocol while listening to your various soundtracks at home. All soundtracks can be sent to you via email. The office is located in the north Dallas area in Texas (USA).
For those located in Dallas, each Bio-Tuning® session is done in-person so that you can experience your custom soundtrack on the sound vibration table (in addition to listening to it through headphones).
Each in-person session includes additional modalities to help release trapped emotions, reprogram limiting beliefs within the subconscious, balance chakras, and whatever else the body indicates is helpful at the time. The session ends with a 30 minute experience on the sound table.
What Can I Expect During a Neuroacoustic Sound Session / Bio-Tuning® session?
If you do the custom Bio-Tuning® sessions, your own Fundamental Frequency will be incorporated into the sound track in order to balance your nervous system and stop the chronic fight or flight stress response loop that so many are stuck in. The custom Bio-Tuning sessions also involve holistic testing and balancing of your meridians (energy channels). This is done through the use of muscle testing and placement of magnets on various meridian points. Comfortable, loose clothing is recommended.
What Can I Expect After a Neuroacoustic Sound Session / Bio-Tuning® session??
If you do the custom Bio-Tuning® sessions, you may occasionally experience mild detox reactions as this is more focused work on your physical, emotional, and mental bodies. You could also experience the diminishing or elimination of physical symptoms as the body returns to a balanced state. After the Delta session people often report a significant improvement in sleep. They often wake earlier and feel more rested than before. After the Theta session people often experience more active dreams as this is the brainwave state that is focused on emotional healing. Past traumas and stuck emotions bubble up when you work in the theta state and these are eventually released through dreams. After the Alpha session people tend to have more thoughts about their life purpose and the bigger picture of why they are here, as this brainwave state focuses on healing the mental body.
Who is Dr. Jeffrey Thompson, Creator of the Neuroacoustic Sound Table and BioTuning® system?
Dr. Jeffery Thompson, founder of the Center for Neuroacoustic Research and famed presenter in the 2017 Heal documentary (alongside Deepak Chopra), is the creator of the patented Neuroacoustic Sound Table and the BioTuning® program. He is considered the world’s premier sound healing researcher and brainwave entrainment expert and has been researching the scientific application of sound in his clinics for nearly 40 years.
After I saw Dr. Jeffrey Thompson on the HEAL documentary, I knew at a soul level that I needed to train under him. I traveled to the Center for Neuroacoustic Research in California and completed his Bio-Tuning® training program as well as his Holistic Health Practitioner training program. I am beyond grateful to now have the opportunity to be actively mentored by Dr. Thompson in my own Neuroacoustic Sound Therapy practice.
Dr. Thompson is a physician/ musician, composer, inventor, educator and author. His work addresses harmony between the body/mind/spirit and is clinically proven to foster deep personal wellness and expansion of consciousness. Certified in multiple healthcare modalities, Dr. Thompson draws people nationally and internationally to his clinical practice and to his cutting-edge products and services.
Dr. Thompson’s biography is extensive and the following information can be found on his website,
Chiropractic Expertise
Dr. Thompson has been experimenting with sound scientifically since 1980. He first started in a Holistic Health Center in Virginia which he bought and which grew to be the largest Center of its kind in Virginia at the time. After experimenting with his wife and friends, he began using exact sound frequencies to make Chiropractic spinal and cranial adjustments, to stimulate and normalize organ function and to balance Acupuncture Meridians. He developed a very gentle and effective method of making adjustments, which he continues to use today. He is the creator of the patented and greatly appreciated Bio-Tuning® program wherein he uses one’s own voice to stimulate and facilitate Self-healing. This program and his certification and expertise in multiple healthcare modalities, draws people nationally and internationally to his clinical practice and to his cutting-edge auditory, kinesthetic and visual therapeutic products and services. His holistic and gentle, effective methods see great results.
Musical Expertise
Dr. Thompson has been a pioneer in the field of therapeutic sound since the early 1980’s, as mentioned above. (See Medicine for the New Millennium) He is world-renown for his clinically proven mind/body harmonious brainwave entrainment programs for sleep enhancement – physical, mental and emotional healing – memory and learning – and other areas of personal growth, through the scientific application of sound. He is recognized as a worldwide expert in the field of acoustic pacing frequencies incorporated into his composed musical sound tracks. A consummate musician and composer in his own rite, he has established a method for using modulated sound-pulses for changing states of consciousness for optimal “Mind-Body” healing and personal, frequently transformative, growth.
Therapeutic Audio Programs
Dr. Thompson’s first recording, Isle of Skye, was carried by major music distributors in the US within its first month of release. Within the first six months, it was adopted by the American Hypnotherapy Association for its use in hypnosis and continues to be used by multiple Hypnotherapists today. Since his first album, Dr. Thompson has generated more than ninety acoustic pacing compact disks and audiotapes sold globally, many of which have been best sellers at mainstream book/CD stores for many years. They are used by Holistic practitioners, including medical physicians, chiropractors, psychiatrists, psychologists, clinical social workers, massage therapists and other bodywork professionals as well as the general public. Each is created to offer every receptive listener something.
His Musical Soundscapes™ have been carried nationally in major stores and catalogs: Barnes & Noble, Borders, Sam Goody’s, Tower Books, Waldenbooks, Nightingale-Conant, Nautilus, and many others. His well-received and effective Delta Sleep System CD Set was carried through national TV ads by Time/Life for two years and continues to be a best seller. His work with Brookstone, Inc. and other companies are carried in their respective stores and websites.
Educational Expertise
Dr. Thompson was a faculty member and continued his scientific clinical research at a graduate school and research center in Encinitas, California, for many years. He taught Behavioral Psycho-acoustics and Clinical Neuroacoustic Therapy courses, recognized by the State of California as part of the core curriculum for the Clinical Psychotherapy and Human Science Masters and PhD programs. He is a born teacher and continues to teach at various events and through sponsored seminars, workshops, intensives, internships and certification courses.
Collaborative Work
Dr. Thompson has worked with Deepak Chopra, has created many self-improvement tapes with Louise Hay, and has created sound programs for conferences with Bernie Siegel, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Bru Joy, and Susan Jeffers. He has worked with NASA and JPL with plasma-wave audio recordings from Voyager I and II and researched their effects on the subconscious mind for healing and emotional release. His work has been part of research projects at the Neuro-Psychiatric Center at UCLA and has been researched at the Royal Ottawa Sleep Research Center in Canada, as well as multiple other companies who license his sounds to complement and empower their offering to society. His work was chosen to be part of the nationally funded CSCAT (Center for the Study of Complementary and Alternative Therapies) Program at Duke University and the University of Virginia in the 1990s. His audio programs have been and are used with patients before and after surgery, and in various oncology/infusion departments and clinics. His patented Neuroacoustic/Vibroacoustic Sound Chair and Sound Table are used in medical and mental health clinics, wellness spas, professional and business offices, personal fitness clubs, and homes. He has played an active role in the Complementary-Alternative Medicine Research and Therapy Association at Scripps Hospital, San Diego, California. He continues to work with Fortune 500 and 100 Companies and other businesses as time permits.
Media Experiences
Dr. Thompson has appeared on Fox Evening News Los Angeles, CNN Worldwide Reports, numerous cable access shows, San Diego Channel 10 Evening News, Good Morning America and other media shows, as many as twenty in 2005 alone. He and his work have been featured in many magazines, including the San Diego Magazine, ELLE Magazine, Psychology Today, Body and Soul, HOW, Pen (Japanese), Mein Olein (Finnish), Mind-Body (Korean), and Spa Business Magazine (England). Many newspapers across the country have featured his work, including the Wall Street Journal. He is interviewed widely for internet-based radio shows, podcasts, books and magazines.
What is meant by “homeostasis” in the Nervous System?
First, it’s important to understand that there are two branches in the Autonomic Nervous System.
- The Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) executes our fight or flight stress response, which unfortunately is “on” nearly 24/7 for most people in modern society. Body systems that are not critical in a life-or-death-being-chased-by-a-tiger situation are placed on the back burner since executing a stress response takes priority. Therefore, the digestive system, reproductive system, immune system, executive brain functions, and other body systems receive less than optimal amounts of energy at these times. Even though being late for an appointment or an argument with a spouse is not considered life or death, the nervous system doesn’t distinguish between levels of stress and therefore executes a stress response even with minor daily stresses.
- The Parasympathetic Nervous System (PSNS) is our rest, repair, & healing state where all body systems are back online and the body is in a fully functioning, self healing mode. The energies that would otherwise go toward executing a stress response are flooded back into the digestive system, immune system, reproductive system, etc. and the body is functioning more as it was designed to function.
As Dr. Jeffrey Thompson describes, “functionality and health are optimized when the SNS and PSNS are dynamically and interactively in a state of balance much of the time. This balanced state is called ‘homeostasis.’ Chronically over-stimulated humans and animals frequently lose the ability to return naturally to a state of equilibrium or homeostasis.” The custom Bio-Tuning@ process aims to correct this.
Will my Bio-Tuning® Fundamental Frequency ever change?
What is Brainwave Entrainment?
To conserve energy, the body sets itself to the most powerful external pulse cycle it is exposed to. In the case of Brainwave Entrainment, we use sound frequencies and binaural beats to create a specific pulse in order to intentionally bring the brainwaves to various states of consciousness to affect healing (Delta, Theta, Alpha, etc.). The brainwaves alter themselves to match the sound frequencies. Depending on the frequencies selected, a person can be gently guided to brainwave states for enhanced and rejuvenating sleep, relaxation, calmness alertness, concentration, creativity, peak performance, or meditation, to name a few. Brainwave Entrainment is included as part of the custom the Bio-Tuning® sessions.
Which brainwave states are used during Brainwave Entrainment (Alpha, Theta, Delta, etc.)?
See below for additional detail on Alpha, Theta, Delta and other important brainwave states:
Specific Brainwave States
Delta (I, II, & III)
Delta brainwave frequencies range from 0.5 to 3.5 Hz and are associated with the deepest stage of sleep which focuses on physical body repair and rejuvenation. Heart rate slows, blood pressure lowers, respiration slows, body temperature lowers and metabolic activity slows. The body is completely still during this stage of sleep because the body is in its most relaxed state possible. This state is the most difficult one to be awakened from and therefore is considered the most vulnerable state. There is no dreaming or awareness occurring during Delta sleep. This stage of sleep is commonly lacking in those individuals who experience chronic stress conditions where the fight/flight response is locked in a vicious cycle. The body considers itself to be in a high state of alert with this chronic level of stress and often does now allow itself to enter into this most vulnerable state of sleep. This type of person unfortunately misses the portion of sleep that is focused on physical body repair and healing.
Theta brainwave frequencies range from 3.5 to 7.5 Hz and are associated with emotional healing. This is the stage of sleep where dreams occur (also known as REM sleep). This brainwave state is the state to which we go when dreaming and being emotionally rejuvenated at night, when we problem-solve, are artistic, creative and receptive to our Higher Self. Without adequate sleep or presence in the Theta brain state, generally a person begins to have emotional challenges or emotional stress. Tempers may flare more easily, patience may wane, and sadness may prevail. A person may become more and anxious as a result.
Upper brainwave ranges of Theta tend to be associated with more superficial dream material and deep Theta brainwave activity tends to be associated with much deeper subconscious material of the unconscious mind. This is where past emotional traumas are stored.
Theta is also where all creativity takes place: art, music, dance, etc. When the brain hemispheres synchronize in Theta, this is where problem solving and out-of-the-box thinking take place.
In waking consciousness, Theta is associated with “daydreams” and replaying memories as “movies”. In meditative states, Theta is associated with Shamanic Journeying, visualization work, Kundalini/Chakra experiences, and Christian prayer states (visitation by angels, Jesus, saints, etc.).
Alpha brainwave frequencies range from 7.5 to 13 Hz and are associated with healing within the mental body (limiting beliefs, negative self talk, etc.). Associated with the beginning of light sleep, people in this stage often feel like they are not asleep or awake, but rather in a “transition” zone between waking and sleeping. This is where inner mental systems are rebalanced for the next day and where self-defeating belief systems reside.
In a wakeful state, Alpha brainwave frequencies are associated with being in a calm, alert, and internally-directed state. These frequencies are typically associated with Zen meditation and Mindfulness states. This is a great brain state to explore your real purpose in this life, the reason for your being. As Dr. Thompson describes, the Alpha brainwave state helps to uncover not only the major goal of your life, but also the type of work which facilitates the fulfillment of your true purpose, of your becoming more centered within. Centered within creates an unshakable core and source of all your energies and purpose, and this can be achieved by working with yourself in the Alpha state.
Beta brainwave frequencies range from 13 to 38 Hz are are associated with “waking” consciousness. You do not go into Beta states during sleep. This is the state we are in when we experience linear thinking (conversations, jobs, paperwork, money, banking, etc.). In Beta, our mental attention is focused externally rather than internally. Your brainwave states are likely in the Beta range right now as you’re reading this.
Gamma brainwave frequencies are typically around 40 Hz and were initially associated with “cognitive consciousness” since this is the only brainwave to completely disappear during general anesthesia. As Dr. Jeffrey Thompson describes, later research showed that the function of the Gamma waves had to do with “binding” all the sensory data of the five senses into one general zone and synchronizing them all together. This “binding” is necessary so that our sensory experiences coordinate together and make sense. For example, a glass falling to the floor makes a crashing sound when it hits. We then associate the glass movement with the sound it makes because these are “bound” together with Gamma processing. A person deficient in Gamma processing might suddenly hear the sound and become disturbed because they do not associate it with the glass falling, since the “binding” effect is not functioning properly.
Dr. Thompson explains that deficiencies of Gamma activity would lead to the type of dissociative symptoms you might see in a psychiatric conditions and with severe forms of Autism. Dr. Thompson reports great success in reducing symptoms of autism since adding Gamma brainwave entrainment to the custom Bio-Tuning® process.
Research at the University of Wisconsin with the Dalai Lama showed extreme high Gamma activity in the brains of his monks in higher states of consciousness through meditation. Prior to this study, Dr. Thompson had created Gamma meditation soundtracks after observing that enhancing Gamma activity increased the ease with which his clients could enter meditative states.
Default Mode Network I & II
The brainwave frequencies of the Default Mode Network (DMN) are 0.625 Hz (one pulse every 10 sec) for DMN I and 0.3125 Hz (one pulse every 20 sec) for DMN II. As explained by Dr. Thompson, the DMN was accidentally discovered in 2001 by researchers observing the activity of brains at work on various tasks using fMRI brain imaging. The DMN was found to be four main regions of the brain in high level synchronicity with one another. These four zones include the frontal cortex, a zone in the posterior cortex, and two zones on the right/left cortex.
By 2007 a large number of research reports began to show that a desynchronizing of these four zones were associated with major neurological disorders such as Epilepsy, Autism, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, depression, PTSD, schizophrenia, and a host of others. For this reason, Dr. Thompson incorporated brainwave entrainment to the DMN I & II brainwave states in the custom Bio-Tuning® process to help resynchronize these four zones of the brain.
How Does Neuroacoustic Sound Therapy Improve Brain Hemisphere Synchronization?
Through this process, the right and left brain must communicate in order to create this “difference” beat — also known as the binaural beat. Listening to binaural beats in this way increases right/left brain hemisphere synchronization, something that does not often occur in waking consciousness.
Left hemisphere thinking is more detailed, logical, practical, mathematical, scientific, and analytical. Right hemisphere thinking is more creative, intuitive, abstract, and “big-picture” focused. Most people use one hemisphere more dominantly than the other. Meditation works to balance both hemispheres of the brain, producing what doctors call whole brain functioning. Neuroacoustic Sound Therapy immediately creates this balance through the use of binaural beats. The benefits of creating synchronization and balance in the hemispheres are profound – the mind becomes more powerful and more focused; memory is improved; creativity and intuition are increased; cognitive performance is enhanced; and overall mental health is improved.
This is summed up by the following quote by Dr. Jeffrey Thompson in Neuroacoustics: The Healing Power of Sound: “By entraining brainwaves with binaural beats using headphones, it is possible to float the brain in this state of hemispheric synchronization for prolonged periods. Each time we do this, it is like exercising a new brain function, which makes the brain more able to engage this function as it’s normal repertoire of behavior.”
What are Primordial Sounds??
Dr. Thompson describes an incredible phenomenon about these primordial nature sounds in his article “The Clinical Use of Sound”. He states, “An interesting thing happens when recordings of people speaking are speeded up and slowed down. If these recordings are increased in speed sufficiently, human speech patterns sound remarkably like birds chirping. When raised in speed a few more times, these recordings begin to sound like dolphin squeaks and cricket sounds.
It is interesting that recordings of human speech patterns should sound like various nature sounds. What happens if we take nature sound recordings and begin to alter their speeds? Cricket sounds slowed down sound like birds chirping and dolphin chirps slowed down enough sound like human voices singing. It’s also interesting that when human breathing sounds are slowed down enough, they sound like the ebb and flow of the ocean on the beach. It is almost as if the whole universe is one organic being with many parts all designed from variations of the same blueprint.”
In addition to these incredible nature sounds, the Bio-Tuning® process also incorporates the sound of your own voice in your customized sound track – and your own voice is possibly the most potent primordial sound of all.
Can Neuroacoustic Sound Therapy help with blood pressure issues and migraines?
Can Neuroacoustic Sound Therapy help with memory problems?
Where Can I Read Someone’s Personal Experience With Sound Therapy & Bio-Tuning®?
Aside from helping the body to self heal at a physical, emotional, and mental level, are there other benefits of Neuroacoustic Sound Therapy?
I have trouble calming my thoughts enough to meditate. Can Neuroacoustic Sound Therapy help?
Research at the University of Wisconsin with the Dalai Lama showed extreme high Gamma activity in the brains of his monks in higher states of consciousness through meditation. Prior to this study, Dr. Thompson had created Gamma meditation soundtracks after observing that enhancing Gamma activity increased the ease with which his clients could enter meditative states.
Generic Gamma meditation soundtracks are available for purchase for use at home with headphones. For a more deeper and more customized approach, Gamma is one of the brainwave states utilized in the custom Bio-Tuning® program which also incorporates the fundamental frequency that brings your own nervous system into homeostasis. Experiencing the Gamma entrainment session on the patented sound table as part of your Bio-Tuning® package is a powerful way to boost your “meditation muscles”. You will also receive a customized sound track for at-home listening that includes your Fundamental Frequency as well as the brainwave entrainment to Gamma and other healing states when you sign up for the custom Bio-Tuning® experience.
How do I listen to the soundtracks at home?
It is recommended to use full frequency headphones (20-20,000 Hz) that completely cover the ear (rather than ear buds). If you are listening to a sound track created from your custom Bio-Tuning® session, make sure you have the “right” headphone on the right ear and the “left” headphone on the left ear. Most headphones should be marked with an “R” or “L”. This is important because, as part of the customized Bio-Tuning® process, we will identify whether you are right or left brain dominant and will alter the binaural beats to boost up the non-dominant hemisphere in order to create more optimal brain hemisphere crossover and synchronization.
What do I wear for a Neuroacoustic Sound Session or Bio-Tuning® session?
If you are doing a Bio-Tuning® session, wear comfortable clothing that can give easy access to legs, back, and arms. These custom sessions include meridian (energy) balancing techniques through the use of muscle testing and placement of magnet on various meridian points.
How often should I listen to my custom Bio-Tuning® sound track at home in between sessions?
How many “Phases” are there in the Bio-Tuning® program?
Phase I: Focuses on the physical, emotional, and mental bodies by entraining the brainwaves to Delta I, Delta II, Delta III, Theta, Alpha, Default Mode Network I & II, and Gamma.
Phase II: Combines various enriching brainwave states to bring about personal growth and expansion.
Phase III: Uses the highest and lowest brainwave states known at this time and brings you into high states of consciousness.
Can Neuroacoustic Sound Therapy benefit someone who is deaf??
In addition, the patented Neuroacoustic Sound Table is designed with split left and right speakers, meaning the left side of the body experiences a different frequency than the right side of the body. This design allows the deaf community to benefit from the healing benefits of binaural beats, previously a technology enjoyed only by the hearing population while listening to music via headphones (where a different frequency is delivered in each ear).
Direct vibration of the body through the Neuroacoustic Sound Table also allows greater energy from sound waves to be imparted to the body without risk of damage to the ears, beneficial for those who can hear but have sensitive hearing.
What are other ways that sound is being used in medicine?
Neuroacoustic Sound Therapy is a beautiful combination of the old and the new. It uses the ancient principles of resonance and brainwave entrainment to altar states of consciousness, and it applies the modern scientific measurements of Heart Rate Variability, binaural beats, and real-time monitoring of the autonomic nervous system to create a custom soundtrack with frequencies specific to each person’s nervous system. Neuracoustic Sound Therapy involves a gentle application of sound waves that bring the nervous system into homeostasis in order to activate the body’s innate healing wisdom. Depending on the frequencies used, Neuroacoustic Sound Therapy brings the additional benefits of enhanced and rejuvenating sleep, relaxation, calmness, alertness, concentration, creativity, peak performance, and meditation.
What is the Science Behind Sound Waves and the Human Body?
In the photos above, a thin metal plate sprinkled with fine sand is vibrated in the center. Each photo represents a unique frequency. (Source of photos:
What’s even more powerful is to realize that it was the power of sound alone that was able to have this effect on physical matter (the sand). Imagine the powerful effect that healing frequencies can have on your body, tissues, organs, and cells!
For more on the science of sound and how it affects the physical body, see The Science of Sound.
Customized Bio-Tuning® Sessions

The Neuroacoustic Sound Table is a custom, patented massage table with speakers attached underneath. When you lay on it (fully clothed, face up) you experience a full body massage via sound waves. You feel the healing vibrations in every cell of your body, thus increasing overall circulation and resonating your bones, muscles, tissues, and blood with healing frequencies. The experience is deeply relaxing and is a powerful way to activate your body’s self-healing mechanisms. [To schedule a 30 or 60 minute Neuroacoustic Sound Session without customized Bio-Tuning®, click here.]
Bio-Tuning® takes this one step further and is a fully individualized experience. Bio-Tuning® is the custom frequency-based therapy created by Dr. Jeffrey Thompson that finds the unique fundamental frequency that brings a person’s nervous system into homeostasis (and out of the chronic stress loop). With the use of real-time monitoring of heart rate variability, a sound sweep with very finely tuned frequencies, and a patented sound table, the specific frequency (note) is identified that brings a person out of a “fight or flight” stress response and into a parasympathetic state where the body’s self-healing mechanisms are activated.
My personal fundamental frequency is the D note minus 46 cents. When I hear this note, my nervous system enters a balanced state and my body’s energies flood back into my immune system, my digestive system, my higher brain centers, etc. where they belong (and out of the chronic stress loop).

The custom Bio-Tuning® process incorporates three powerful techniques to bring equilibrium to an individual’s nervous system and activate the body’s innate self-healing abilities:

Brainwave Entrainment to various states of healing (Delta, Theta, Alpha, & more) and synchronization of the right/left brain hemispheres, all through the use of binaural beats. To learn about the powerful effects of right/left brain hemisphere synchronization, see the FAQ section.
Primordial Sounds (including your own voice!) to awaken deep levels of recognition in the subconscious mind. Dr. Thompson describes Primordial Sounds as nature sounds (ocean waves, birds, dolphins, space sounds, etc) that are “primordially recognizable to the subconscious mind regardless of race, sex, or language.” (Read more about Primordial Sounds in the FAQ section)
What You Can Expect During a Bio-Tuning® Session

One of the best parts of this intense neuroacoustic sound work is that the sessions on the sound table are deeply relaxing and leave you with a feeling of just melting into the table as you are enveloped in full body vibrational sensations.
Listening to your custom Bio-Tuning® soundtrack at home

What is the difference between a Neuroacoustic Sound Session & a Bio-Tuning® Session?
During a 30-minute or 60-minute Neuroacoustic Sound Session, you and I together will choose which healing frequencies will be optimal for your desired goal. Dr. Jeffrey Thompson, founder of the Center for Neuroacoustic Research, has created numerous soundtracks of varying frequencies for use on the sound table. Your desired effect drives which frequencies will be used during a Neuroacoustic Sound Session. Some of the desired effects include enhanced and rejuvenating sleep, calmness, alertness, concentration, creativity, physical and emotional healing, peak performance, and meditation. Read more and find scheduling/pricing information at Neuroacoustic Sound Sessions.
Bio-Tuning® takes this one step further and is a fully individualized experience. Bio-Tuning® is the custom frequency-based therapy created by Dr. Jeffrey Thompson that finds the unique fundamental frequency that brings a person’s nervous system into homeostasis (and out of the chronic stress loop). With the use of real-time monitoring of heart rate variability, a sound sweep with very finely tuned frequencies, and a patented sound table, the specific frequency (note) is identified that brings a person out of a “fight or flight” stress response and into a parasympathetic state where the body’s self-healing mechanisms are activated. The soundtrack that will be played while you’re on the Neuroacoustic Sound Table will incorporate your personal fundamental frequency, specific brainwave entrainment states, and customized primordial sounds that improve access to the subconscious (including the sound of your own voice!). Read more and find scheduling/pricing information at Customized Bio-Tuning® Sessions.
What Can I Expect During a Neuroacoustic Sound Session / Bio-Tuning® session?
If you do the custom Bio-Tuning® sessions, your own Fundamental Frequency will be incorporated into the sound track in order to balance your nervous system and stop the chronic fight or flight stress response loop that so many are stuck in. The custom Bio-Tuning sessions also involve holistic testing and balancing of your meridians (energy channels). This is done through the use of muscle testing and placement of magnets on various meridian points. Comfortable, loose clothing is recommended.
What Can I Expect After a Neuroacoustic Sound Session / Bio-Tuning® session??
If you do the custom Bio-Tuning® sessions, you may occasionally experience mild detox reactions as this is more focused work on your physical, emotional, and mental bodies. You could also experience the diminishing or elimination of physical symptoms as the body returns to a balanced state. After the Delta session people often report a significant improvement in sleep. They often wake earlier and feel more rested than before. After the Theta session people often experience more active dreams as this is the brainwave state that is focused on emotional healing. Past traumas and stuck emotions bubble up when you work in the theta state and these are eventually released through dreams. After the Alpha session people tend to have more thoughts about their life purpose and the bigger picture of why they are here, as this brainwave state focuses on healing the mental body.
Who is Dr. Jeffrey Thompson, Creator of the Neuroacoustic Sound Table and BioTuning® system?
He is a physician/ musician, composer, inventor, educator and author. His work addresses harmony between the body/mind/spirit and is clinically proven to foster deep personal wellness and expansion of consciousness. Certified in multiple healthcare modalities, Dr. Thompson draws people nationally and internationally to his clinical practice and to his cutting-edge products and services.
Dr. Thompson’s biography is extensive and the following information can be found on his website,
Chiropractic Expertise
Dr. Thompson has been experimenting with sound scientifically since 1980. He first started in a Holistic Health Center in Virginia which he bought and which grew to be the largest Center of its kind in Virginia at the time. After experimenting with his wife and friends, he began using exact sound frequencies to make Chiropractic spinal and cranial adjustments, to stimulate and normalize organ function and to balance Acupuncture Meridians. He developed a very gentle and effective method of making adjustments, which he continues to use today. He is the creator of the patented and greatly appreciated Bio-Tuning® program wherein he uses one’s own voice to stimulate and facilitate Self-healing. This program and his certification and expertise in multiple healthcare modalities, draws people nationally and internationally to his clinical practice and to his cutting-edge auditory, kinesthetic and visual therapeutic products and services. His holistic and gentle, effective methods see great results.
Musical Expertise
Dr. Thompson has been a pioneer in the field of therapeutic sound since the early 1980’s, as mentioned above. (See Medicine for the New Millennium) He is world-renown for his clinically proven mind/body harmonious brainwave entrainment programs for sleep enhancement – physical, mental and emotional healing – memory and learning – and other areas of personal growth, through the scientific application of sound. He is recognized as a worldwide expert in the field of acoustic pacing frequencies incorporated into his composed musical sound tracks. A consummate musician and composer in his own rite, he has established a method for using modulated sound-pulses for changing states of consciousness for optimal “Mind-Body” healing and personal, frequently transformative, growth.
Therapeutic Audio Programs
Dr. Thompson’s first recording, Isle of Skye, was carried by major music distributors in the US within its first month of release. Within the first six months, it was adopted by the American Hypnotherapy Association for its use in hypnosis and continues to be used by multiple Hypnotherapists today. Since his first album, Dr. Thompson has generated more than ninety acoustic pacing compact disks and audiotapes sold globally, many of which have been best sellers at mainstream book/CD stores for many years. They are used by Holistic practitioners, including medical physicians, chiropractors, psychiatrists, psychologists, clinical social workers, massage therapists and other bodywork professionals as well as the general public. Each is created to offer every receptive listener something.
His Musical Soundscapes™ have been carried nationally in major stores and catalogs: Barnes & Noble, Borders, Sam Goody’s, Tower Books, Waldenbooks, Nightingale-Conant, Nautilus, and many others. His well-received and effective Delta Sleep System CD Set was carried through national TV ads by Time/Life for two years and continues to be a best seller. His work with Brookstone, Inc. and other companies are carried in their respective stores and websites.
Educational Expertise
Dr. Thompson was a faculty member and continued his scientific clinical research at a graduate school and research center in Encinitas, California, for many years. He taught Behavioral Psycho-acoustics and Clinical Neuroacoustic Therapy courses, recognized by the State of California as part of the core curriculum for the Clinical Psychotherapy and Human Science Masters and PhD programs. He is a born teacher and continues to teach at various events and through sponsored seminars, workshops, intensives, internships and certification courses.
Collaborative Work
Dr. Thompson has worked with Deepak Chopra, has created many self-improvement tapes with Louise Hay, and has created sound programs for conferences with Bernie Siegel, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Bru Joy, and Susan Jeffers. He has worked with NASA and JPL with plasma-wave audio recordings from Voyager I and II and researched their effects on the subconscious mind for healing and emotional release. His work has been part of research projects at the Neuro-Psychiatric Center at UCLA and has been researched at the Royal Ottawa Sleep Research Center in Canada, as well as multiple other companies who license his sounds to complement and empower their offering to society. His work was chosen to be part of the nationally funded CSCAT (Center for the Study of Complementary and Alternative Therapies) Program at Duke University and the University of Virginia in the 1990s. His audio programs have been and are used with patients before and after surgery, and in various oncology/infusion departments and clinics. His patented Neuroacoustic/Vibroacoustic Sound Chair and Sound Table are used in medical and mental health clinics, wellness spas, professional and business offices, personal fitness clubs, and homes. He has played an active role in the Complementary-Alternative Medicine Research and Therapy Association at Scripps Hospital, San Diego, California. He continues to work with Fortune 500 and 100 Companies and other businesses as time permits.
Media Experiences
Dr. Thompson has appeared on Fox Evening News Los Angeles, CNN Worldwide Reports, numerous cable access shows, San Diego Channel 10 Evening News, Good Morning America and other media shows, as many as twenty in 2005 alone. He and his work have been featured in many magazines, including the San Diego Magazine, ELLE Magazine, Psychology Today, Body and Soul, HOW, Pen (Japanese), Mein Olein (Finnish), Mind-Body (Korean), and Spa Business Magazine (England). Many newspapers across the country have featured his work, including the Wall Street Journal. He is interviewed widely for internet-based radio shows, podcasts, books and magazines.
What is meant by “homeostasis” in the Nervous System?
- The Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) executes our fight or flight stress response, which unfortunately is “on” nearly 24/7 for most people in modern society. Body systems that are not critical in a life-or-death-being-chased-by-a-tiger situation are placed on the back burner since executing a stress response takes priority. Therefore, the digestive system, reproductive system, immune system, executive brain functions, and other body systems receive less than optimal amounts of energy at these times. Even though being late for an appointment or an argument with a spouse is not considered life or death, the nervous system doesn’t distinguish between levels of stress and therefore executes a stress response even with minor daily stresses.
- The Parasympathetic Nervous System (PSNS) is our rest, repair, & healing state where all body systems are back online and the body is in a fully functioning, self healing mode. The energies that would otherwise go toward executing a stress response are flooded back into the digestive system, immune system, reproductive system, etc. and the body is functioning more as it was designed to function.
As Dr. Jeffrey Thompson describes, “functionality and health are optimized when the SNS and PSNS are dynamically and interactively in a state of balance much of the time. This balanced state is called ‘homeostasis.’ Chronically over-stimulated humans and animals frequently lose the ability to return naturally to a state of equilibrium or homeostasis.” The custom Bio-Tuning@ process aims to correct this.
Will my Bio-Tuning® Fundamental Frequency ever change?
What is Brainwave Entrainment?
Which brainwave states are used during Brainwave Entrainment (Alpha, Theta, Delta, etc.)?
See below for additional detail on Alpha, Theta, Delta and other important brainwave states:
Specific Brainwave States
Delta (I, II, & III)
Delta brainwave frequencies range from 0.5 to 3.5 Hz and are associated with the deepest stage of sleep which focuses on physical body repair and rejuvenation. Heart rate slows, blood pressure lowers, respiration slows, body temperature lowers and metabolic activity slows. The body is completely still during this stage of sleep because the body is in its most relaxed state possible. This state is the most difficult one to be awakened from and therefore is considered the most vulnerable state. There is no dreaming or awareness occurring during Delta sleep. This stage of sleep is commonly lacking in those individuals who experience chronic stress conditions where the fight/flight response is locked in a vicious cycle. The body considers itself to be in a high state of alert with this chronic level of stress and often does now allow itself to enter into this most vulnerable state of sleep. This type of person unfortunately misses the portion of sleep that is focused on physical body repair and healing.
Theta brainwave frequencies range from 3.5 to 7.5 Hz and are associated with emotional healing. This is the stage of sleep where dreams occur (also known as REM sleep). This brainwave state is the state to which we go when dreaming and being emotionally rejuvenated at night, when we problem-solve, are artistic, creative and receptive to our Higher Self. Without adequate sleep or presence in the Theta brain state, generally a person begins to have emotional challenges or emotional stress. Tempers may flare more easily, patience may wane, and sadness may prevail. A person may become more and anxious as a result.
Upper brainwave ranges of Theta tend to be associated with more superficial dream material and deep Theta brainwave activity tends to be associated with much deeper subconscious material of the unconscious mind. This is where past emotional traumas are stored.
Theta is also where all creativity takes place: art, music, dance, etc. When the brain hemispheres synchronize in Theta, this is where problem solving and out-of-the-box thinking take place.
In waking consciousness, Theta is associated with “daydreams” and replaying memories as “movies”. In meditative states, Theta is associated with Shamanic Journeying, visualization work, Kundalini/Chakra experiences, and Christian prayer states (visitation by angels, Jesus, saints, etc.).
Alpha brainwave frequencies range from 7.5 to 13 Hz and are associated with healing within the mental body (limiting beliefs, negative self talk, etc.). Associated with the beginning of light sleep, people in this stage often feel like they are not asleep or awake, but rather in a “transition” zone between waking and sleeping. This is where inner mental systems are rebalanced for the next day and where self-defeating belief systems reside.
In a wakeful state, Alpha brainwave frequencies are associated with being in a calm, alert, and internally-directed state. These frequencies are typically associated with Zen meditation and Mindfulness states. This is a great brain state to explore your real purpose in this life, the reason for your being. As Dr. Thompson describes, the Alpha brainwave state helps to uncover not only the major goal of your life, but also the type of work which facilitates the fulfillment of your true purpose, of your becoming more centered within. Centered within creates an unshakable core and source of all your energies and purpose, and this can be achieved by working with yourself in the Alpha state.
Beta brainwave frequencies range from 13 to 38 Hz are are associated with “waking” consciousness. You do not go into Beta states during sleep. This is the state we are in when we experience linear thinking (conversations, jobs, paperwork, money, banking, etc.). In Beta, our mental attention is focused externally rather than internally. Your brainwave states are likely in the Beta range right now as you’re reading this.
Gamma brainwave frequencies are typically around 40 Hz and were initially associated with “cognitive consciousness” since this is the only brainwave to completely disappear during general anesthesia. As Dr. Jeffrey Thompson describes, later research showed that the function of the Gamma waves had to do with “binding” all the sensory data of the five senses into one general zone and synchronizing them all together. This “binding” is necessary so that our sensory experiences coordinate together and make sense. For example, a glass falling to the floor makes a crashing sound when it hits. We then associate the glass movement with the sound it makes because these are “bound” together with Gamma processing. A person deficient in Gamma processing might suddenly hear the sound and become disturbed because they do not associate it with the glass falling, since the “binding” effect is not functioning properly.
Dr. Thompson explains that deficiencies of Gamma activity would lead to the type of dissociative symptoms you might see in a psychiatric conditions and with severe forms of Autism. Dr. Thompson reports great success in reducing symptoms of autism since adding Gamma brainwave entrainment to the custom Bio-Tuning® process.
Research at the University of Wisconsin with the Dalai Lama showed extreme high Gamma activity in the brains of his monks in higher states of consciousness through meditation. Prior to this study, Dr. Thompson had created Gamma meditation soundtracks after observing that enhancing Gamma activity increased the ease with which his clients could enter meditative states.
Default Mode Network I & II
The brainwave frequencies of the Default Mode Network (DMN) are 0.625 Hz (one pulse every 10 sec) for DMN I and 0.3125 Hz (one pulse every 20 sec) for DMN II. As explained by Dr. Thompson, the DMN was accidentally discovered in 2001 by researchers observing the activity of brains at work on various tasks using fMRI brain imaging. The DMN was found to be four main regions of the brain in high level synchronicity with one another. These four zones include the frontal cortex, a zone in the posterior cortex, and two zones on the right/left cortex.
By 2007 a large number of research reports began to show that a desynchronizing of these four zones were associated with major neurological disorders such as Epilepsy, Autism, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, depression, PTSD, schizophrenia, and a host of others. For this reason, Dr. Thompson incorporated brainwave entrainment to the DMN I & II brainwave states in the custom Bio-Tuning® process to help resynchronize these four zones of the brain.
How Does Neuroacoustic Sound Therapy Improve Brain Hemisphere Synchronization?
Through this process, the right and left brain must communicate in order to create this “difference” beat — also known as the binaural beat. Listening to binaural beats in this way increases right/left brain hemisphere synchronization, something that does not often occur in waking consciousness.
Left hemisphere thinking is more detailed, logical, practical, mathematical, scientific, and analytical. Right hemisphere thinking is more creative, intuitive, abstract, and “big-picture” focused. Most people use one hemisphere more dominantly than the other. Meditation works to balance both hemispheres of the brain, producing what doctors call whole brain functioning. Neuroacoustic Sound Therapy immediately creates this balance through the use of binaural beats. The benefits of creating synchronization and balance in the hemispheres are profound – the mind becomes more powerful and more focused; memory is improved; creativity and intuition are increased; cognitive performance is enhanced; and overall mental health is improved.
This is summed up by the following quote by Dr. Jeffrey Thompson in Neuroacoustics: The Healing Power of Sound: “By entraining brainwaves with binaural beats using headphones, it is possible to float the brain in this state of hemispheric synchronization for prolonged periods. Each time we do this, it is like exercising a new brain function, which makes the brain more able to engage this function as it’s normal repertoire of behavior.”
What are Primordial Sounds??
Dr. Thompson describes an incredible phenomenon about these primordial nature sounds in his article “The Clinical Use of Sound”. He states, “An interesting thing happens when recordings of people speaking are speeded up and slowed down. If these recordings are increased in speed sufficiently, human speech patterns sound remarkably like birds chirping. When raised in speed a few more times, these recordings begin to sound like dolphin squeaks and cricket sounds.
It is interesting that recordings of human speech patterns should sound like various nature sounds. What happens if we take nature sound recordings and begin to alter their speeds? Cricket sounds slowed down sound like birds chirping and dolphin chirps slowed down enough sound like human voices singing. It’s also interesting that when human breathing sounds are slowed down enough, they sound like the ebb and flow of the ocean on the beach. It is almost as if the whole universe is one organic being with many parts all designed from variations of the same blueprint.”
In addition to these incredible nature sounds, the Bio-Tuning® process also incorporates the sound of your own voice in your customized sound track – and your own voice is possibly the most potent primordial sound of all.
Can Neuroacoustic Sound Therapy help with blood pressure issues and migraines?
Can Neuroacoustic Sound Therapy help with memory problems?
Where Can I Read Someone’s Personal Experience With Sound Therapy & Bio-Tuning®?
Aside from helping the body to self heal at a physical, emotional, and mental level, are there other benefits of Neuroacoustic Sound Therapy?
I have trouble calming my thoughts enough to meditate. Can Neuroacoustic Sound Therapy help?
Research at the University of Wisconsin with the Dalai Lama showed extreme high Gamma activity in the brains of his monks in higher states of consciousness through meditation. Prior to this study, Dr. Thompson had created Gamma meditation soundtracks after observing that enhancing Gamma activity increased the ease with which his clients could enter meditative states.
Generic Gamma meditation soundtracks are available for purchase for use at home with headphones. For a more deeper and more customized approach, Gamma is one of the brainwave states utilized in the custom Bio-Tuning® program which also incorporates the fundamental frequency that brings your own nervous system into homeostasis. Experiencing the Gamma entrainment session on the patented sound table as part of your Bio-Tuning® package is a powerful way to boost your “meditation muscles”. You will also receive a customized sound track for at-home listening that includes your Fundamental Frequency as well as the brainwave entrainment to Gamma and other healing states when you sign up for the custom Bio-Tuning® experience.
How do I listen to the soundtracks at home?
It is recommended to use full frequency headphones (20-20,000 Hz) that completely cover the ear (rather than ear buds). If you are listening to a sound track created from your custom Bio-Tuning® session, make sure you have the “right” headphone on the right ear and the “left” headphone on the left ear. Most headphones should be marked with an “R” or “L”. This is important because, as part of the customized Bio-Tuning® process, we will identify whether you are right or left brain dominant and will alter the binaural beats to boost up the non-dominant hemisphere in order to create more optimal brain hemisphere crossover and synchronization.
What do I wear for a Neuroacoustic Sound Session or Bio-Tuning® session?
If you are doing a Bio-Tuning® session, wear comfortable clothing that can give easy access to legs, back, and arms. These custom sessions include meridian (energy) balancing techniques through the use of muscle testing and placement of magnet on various meridian points.
How often should I listen to my custom Bio-Tuning® sound track at home in between sessions?
How many “Phases” are there in the Bio-Tuning® program?
Phase I: Focuses on the physical, emotional, and mental bodies by entraining the brainwaves to Delta I, Delta II, Delta III, Theta, Alpha, Default Mode Network I & II, and Gamma.
Phase II: Combines various enriching brainwave states to bring about personal growth and expansion.
Phase III: Uses the highest and lowest brainwave states known at this time and brings you into high states of consciousness.
Can Neuroacoustic Sound Therapy benefit someone who is deaf??
In addition, the patented Neuroacoustic Sound Table is designed with split left and right speakers, meaning the left side of the body experiences a different frequency than the right side of the body. This design allows the deaf community to benefit from the healing benefits of binaural beats, previously a technology enjoyed only by the hearing population while listening to music via headphones (where a different frequency is delivered in each ear).
Direct vibration of the body through the Neuroacoustic Sound Table also allows greater energy from sound waves to be imparted to the body without risk of damage to the ears, beneficial for those who can hear but have sensitive hearing.
What are other ways that sound is being used in medicine?
Neuroacoustic Sound Therapy is a beautiful combination of the old and the new. It uses the ancient principles of resonance and brainwave entrainment to altar states of consciousness, and it applies the modern scientific measurements of Heart Rate Variability, binaural beats, and real-time monitoring of the autonomic nervous system to create a custom soundtrack with frequencies specific to each person’s nervous system. Neuracoustic Sound Therapy involves a gentle application of sound waves that bring the nervous system into homeostasis in order to activate the body’s innate healing wisdom. Depending on the frequencies used, Neuroacoustic Sound Therapy brings the additional benefits of enhanced and rejuvenating sleep, relaxation, calmness, alertness, concentration, creativity, peak performance, and meditation.
What is the Science Behind Sound Waves and the Human Body?
In the photos above, a thin metal plate sprinkled with fine sand is vibrated in the center. Each photo represents a unique frequency. (Source of photos:
What’s even more powerful is to realize that it was the power of sound alone that was able to have this effect on physical matter (the sand). Imagine the powerful effect that healing frequencies can have on your body, tissues, organs, and cells!
For more on the science of sound and how it affects the physical body, see The Science of Sound.