Emotion Code

What is Energy Healing?
Everything in the Universe is energy. Said differently, at a subatomic level, everything is made up of protons, neutrons, and electrons vibrating at different frequencies. Everything works like this. This includes your chair, your hand, your organs, and even the emotions that you feel.
It is commonly understood by energy healers that disease begins in the energy body long before it manifests as symptoms in the physical body. In the case of most chronic diseases, the symptoms we experience today began as disruptions in the body’s energy systems weeks, months, and even years earlier. These disruptions stop the normal flow of energy through the meridians (energy channels) of our body and, if left unchecked, will eventually manifest into physical symptoms.
Addressing only the physical body, therefore, is only part of the equation for healing. The energy body must also be healed so that energy can flow once again and can nourish the body’s tissues, organs, and systems. Clearing blocks and balancing the energy systems will activate the body’s self-healing mechanisms, and this is the focus of Energy Healing.
What is the Emotion Code?
The Emotion Code is a holistic system of releasing trapped negative emotions that create energy blocks in the body. It is one of the most effective ways to release the painful emotional baggage that we all carry with us.
A trapped negative emotion is literally a ball of energy the size of an orange (sometimes as big as a melon!) that lodges itself somewhere in the body. At the time the emotion was felt, the body either did not or could not fully process the emotion and therefore had to put it somewhere, resulting in a blockage somewhere in the energy system.
Each emotion has its own vibration, with love being at the high end and fear and shame being the lowest vibrations. When a negative emotion is trapped the body, the vibration of that emotion is constantly present and lowers the overall vibration of the person.
These trapped emotions can create various emotional disturbances and a myriad of health problems, including pain. The Emotion Code uses muscle testing (kinesiology) to identify trapped emotions and then uses magnetic energy to release the energy blocks from the body. By releasing these emotions, we bring the body’s energies into balance and activate the body’s self-healing mechanisms.
Anxiousness * Anger * Inability to Fully Give & Receive Love * A Diminished Ability to Feel * Heartbreak * Loss of a Loved One * Feeling Disconnected from Others * Self-Loathing * Fear
Neck Pain * Shoulder Pain * Back Pain * Blood Pressure Problems * Knee Pain * Respiratory Imbalances * Lowered Immunity * and more

Are You Ready to Let Go?
Are you ready to release trapped negative emotions from yesterday? From last year? From the past decade? What about childhood trauma? And are you ready to release emotional energies you absorbed from your mother while in the womb? How about emotional energies you inherited from your ancestors? Do you see repeated patterns of pain through your lineage? Now is the time to stop the cycle.

What can I Expect During an Emotion Code Session?
Sometimes the body will require us to find out more information about an emotion before it allows us to release it, such as when the emotion occurred or who was involved. In these instances, the subconscious is requiring a greater level of conscious awareness of the emotional situation before it can be released. Again we will use muscle testing (kinesiology) to determine this information. It can be quite enlightening!
Once we are ready to release an emotion, we will apply magnetic energy to the governing meridian to release that emotional energy from the body.
What Can I expect After an Emotion Code Session?
The body typically takes a few days to process the removal of blocks and integrate the energy shifts. There is nothing you need to do to facilitate the healing. Approximately 20% of people feel some mild effects during the processing time, such as fatigue, moodiness, feeling more sensitive, vivid dreams, mild headaches, and the like.
This is a great opportunity to take some extra time for yourself, at least for the first 24 hours after a session. It is recommended to drink plenty of water and to find time to rest or meditate when possible.
What is a Heart Wall?
As Dr. Nelson states in his book The Emotion Code, “By releasing trapped emotions and removing Heart-Walls, we have seen cases of severe depression eliminated once and for all. We have seen marriages saved abuse stopped, and lives turned around.”
Dr. Nelson estimates that about 93% of people have a heart wall. Together we can work on releasing your heart wall and opening you up to giving and receiving love more freely. Often times the heart wall can be cleared in one session, though sometimes it does require two or three sessions depending on the number of emotions present.
What are Inherited Emotions?
It’s always interesting to watch someone’s light bulb moment when they suddenly understand why certain family members may act the way that they do. Inherited emotions can affect many people in a family lineage.
Can Trapped Emotions Really Lead to Physical Symptoms & Dis-ease?
There are several modalities we can use to heal the trapped emotions and limiting beliefs within us. Emotion Code and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT or “tapping”) are just a few that I have personal experience with. Regardless of which method you prefer, just make sure you’re addressing your emotional, mental, and spiritual layers because true, complete healing often cannot occur without this holistic approach.
What is the Origin of the Emotion Code?
“Just about everyone has some amount of emotional baggage from painful life events, right? It’s not all in your head! Emotional baggage is very real, and although it’s invisible it can really mess up your happiness, your success and your health. It’s like lugging around a suitcase from every difficult event you’ve gone through- eventually the load gets too heavy not to notice. I call each “suitcase” a Trapped Emotion – a bit of emotional energy that was created, by you, during an emotional event, and got stuck in your body somewhere.
Trapped Emotions are literally like balls of energy, vibrating at different frequencies depending on what the emotion is (for example, Anger is a different vibration than Sadness or Insecurity). Trapped Emotions are negative, destructive vibrations, and tend to affect the body wherever they are stuck, creating pain and malfunction of bodily tissues, even disease. They can also cause depression, anxiety and loads of emotional problems. Trapped Emotions sure can make life miserable, but you can get rid of them using The Emotion Code and lighten your load for good!” – Dr. Bradley Nelson
Read more information about the Emotion Code at Discover Healing.