Common Symptoms of Topical Steroid Addiction
For those of us who have experienced the unrelenting itch of eczema, it is sometimes difficult to distinguish whether the rash is from an allergen (food, chemicals, pollen, etc) or whether the rash is a sign that your skin is addicted to the steroid creams you have...

HELP! I Want to Overhaul My Diet. Where Do I Start??
OMG I’m Hungry and Don’t Know What I’m Allowed to Eat! I ripped open the baby food squeeze pack full of pureed carrots from my purse and attempted to be subtle while devouring it in under 2.2 seconds. My blood sugar had plummeted while I was standing in the...

Lymphatic Massage and Dry Skin Brushing
Our lymphatic system has an enormous impact on our health, yet most of us are not familiar with this critical system in our body. The extent of many people’s knowledge is that the lymph nodes are somehow related to cancer and lymphoma. But there is so much more, and...

Ionic Foot Bath
We encounter metals and other toxins on a daily basis through our food, water, and environment. Our bodies are designed to handle a certain amount of toxins, but many of us are now exceeding the level of toxins that our bodies can effectively eliminate. If the liver,...

What is Functional Medicine?
Functional Medicine is an integrative medical model that is near and dear to my heart because that is the approach that enabled me to heal so quickly from Topical Steroid Withdrawal after using topical steroid creams for years to treat eczema. (More on my personal...